

2015-03-02 11:13





  还一个,一个人retrieved $4,00million coins and 什么 loot(看到这直接泪奔,四个亿美元的硬币得是多少吨啊),开始划线——from 一个西班牙的船,1XXX年在Florida bay遇到hurricane沉默(sink),然后选项就是几个状语的变换位置,以及retrieve from这个结构与retrieve when还有he什么什么。通过retrieve from排除三个,剩下两个,有一个是from西班牙船,(逗号)分词 in 1XXX年in a hurricane in Florida bay。感觉这个最合理



  139. (32262-!-item-!-188;#058&006043)

  On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.

  (A) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow

  (B) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are, it is believed, the rate of tree growth

  (C) On Earth, the rate at which trees grow is believed to be among the surest indications of sunspot cycles

  (D) Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles, believed to be the tree growth rate

  (E) Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles is believed to be the rate at which trees grow

  Key: (E)

  27. (25957-!-item-!-188;#058&002223)

  When drafting the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848, included in it by the author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a call for female enfranchisement.

  (A) When drafting the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848, included in it by the author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a call for female enfranchisement.

  (B) Including a call for female enfranchisement, a draft of the Declaration of Sentiments was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848 that Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote.

  (C) When the Declaration of Sentiments drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Convention in 1848, a call for female enfranchisement had been included in it.

  (D) A call for female enfranchisement, included in Elizabeth Cady Stanton's draft of the Declaration of Sentiments in 1848, that was adopted by the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention.

  (E) When Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848, she included in it a call for female enfranchisement.

  Key: (E)





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