
2015年3月GMAT作文机经之健美运动员&sky view报摊

2015-02-26 10:06



  2015年2月13日GMAT考试刚刚完成了新一轮题库更换,新东方网GMAT频道第一时间为各位考生整理了2015年3月GMAT作文机经之bodybuilders & sky view Newsstand,供考生们参考使用,希望对各位备考能有帮助。


  bodybuilders & sky view Newsstand


  local newspaper上letters to editorial的内容:“xx杂志 上面经常有bodybuilders 用 state-of-the-art exercise machines 的专题,这个杂志frequently sold out,于是就建议在community equip these exercise machines可以提高town residence fitness


  The following appeared in the letters-to-the-editor section of a local newspaper:

  "Muscle Monthly, a fitness magazine that regularly features pictures of bodybuilders using state-of-the-art exercise machines, frequently sells out, according to the owner of Sky view Newsstand. To help maximize fitness levels in our town's residents, we should, therefore, equip our new community fitness center with such machines."


  1. 因果关系-忽略他因:杂志卖得好得原因不一定是因为刊登这个机器,很可能是价钱便宜,或其他的内容吸引读者。


  3.insufficient sample:Sky view摊主的话不具有代表性,不能因为一个人的说法就轻易推断出equip such machines to help maximize fitness levels.的有效性。一个摊主说这样的杂志卖得好,不代表这一地区其他摊主销售情况也好。


  In this argument the author concludes that the new community fitness center should be equipped with the state-of-the-art exercise machines featured in Muscle Monthly magazine. In support of this recommendation two reasons are offered: (1) Muscle Monthly contains pictures of bodybuilders using such machines, and (2) Muscle Monthly is a popular magazine, as evidenced by the fact that it frequently sells out at the local newsstand. This argument is questionable on two counts.

  First, a major implication of the argument is that the bodybuilders pictured using the machines in Muscle Monthly magazine reached their state of fitness as a result of using these machines. The only evidence offered to support this contention, however, is the pictures in the magazine. It is possible that the bodybuilders pictured use different equipment for their workouts and are merely posing with the machines for advertising purposes.

  Second, the author assumes that machines that are suitable for bodybuilding will also be suitable to help maximize the fitness levels of the town’s residents. This assumption is highly questionable. Machines designed to increase muscle development are significantly different from those designed to increase cardiovascular fitness. Consequently, it is unlikely that the machines pictured in the magazine will be of much use to help maximize the fitness levels of the town’s residents.

  In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to show that the bodybuilders pictured using the exercise machines actually used the machines to reach their level of muscle development. Additionally, the author would have to show that the machines were suitable for increasing the fitness levels of the persons using them.





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