2015年2月GMAT作文机经之在Palm Grove买地
2015-01-26 14:58
2015年1月19日GMAT考试刚刚完成了新一轮题库更换。这次短库让很多考生感到措手不及,但请不要惊慌!新东方网GMAT频道在此为各位考生整理了2015年2月GMAT作文机经之在Palm Grove买地,供考生们参考使用,希望对各位备考能有帮助。
在Palm Grove买地
是个小型服装连锁店的part-partner写给合伙人的信好像:S地区的commercial real estate一直在涨价,而P地区的保持不变。所以S地区的retail的地价肯定也比P地区高,并且S一定是overpriced了。。。所以为了经济利益,我们应该尽快在P地区买retail的地,
From GMAT AWA 最新题库 - 2010
The following appeared in a letter from apart-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner:
“Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therefore, it would be in our financial interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights.
1. 错误类比:S和P难以类比,地区之间必然存在差异,因为要考虑经济、人口、交通等问题,不能单凭地价上涨与否判断哪个地方的地价高,哪个地方更值得投资。
2. 因果关系-忽略他因:To increase financial interest不一定是因为低价买到了一块地,还要考虑产品销量、交通便利、地区客流量等因素。
3. 因果关系-错误因果:The claim that retail spaces in Sandide Heights are now overpriced does not necessarily proves that purchasing a retail space in Palm Grove can bring about financial interest. S的门店价格高不能说明在P投资就能赚钱。S的地价高,就一定没有financial benifits吗?因为S的地价在上涨,这个反倒说明在S买地能带来利益。为了更好地评价financial interest,我们还应该了解S地门店价格的趋势,并比较两地的商业利益。
4. 无根据假设:The real estate price in Sadida Heights have risen while then prices in Palm Grove have remained unchanged is not sufficient to reach the conclusion that a retail space in Sandida Heights is not much more expensive than a similar in Plam Grove. 事实可能是S的原地价就比较低,而P的地价比较高,所以虽然S的地价一直涨,但是还是比P的便宜。
5. 脑洞大开假设(谨慎参考):因为价格低,所以在P买地,也许不是个好主意,其他竞争对手也会有同样的想法,最后导致P的竞争压力大。
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