英文解释: adjective: effusively or insincerely emotional, especially in art, music, and literature
例句: I don't like romanticism for the same reason I don't like melodramatic acting and soap operas—overly sentimental.
GMAT核心词汇 serendipity
英文解释: noun: the instance in which an accidental, fortunate discovery is made
例句: By pure serendipity, Sarah discovered, at a flea market in Peoria, a matching earring to replace the one that fell down the storm drain back home.
GMAT核心词汇 serene
英文解释: adjective: calm and peaceful
例句: I'd never seen him so serene; usually, he was a knot of stress and anxiety from hours of trading on the stock exchange.
GMAT核心词汇 simulacrum
英文解释: "noun: a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
noun: a bad imitation"
例句: "The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center showcases a simulacrum of all the present and approved buildings in the city of Shanghai.
The early days of computer graphics made real people into a simulacrum that now seems comical."
GMAT核心词汇 sinecure
英文解释: noun: an office that involves minimal duties
例句: The position of Research Director is a sinecure: the job entails almost no responsibilities, nor does the person in that position have to answer to anyone.
GMAT核心词汇 slapdash
英文解释: adjective: carelessly and hastily put together
例句: The office building had been constructed in a slapdash manner, so it did not surprise officials when, during a small earthquake, a large crack emerged on the façade of the building.
GMAT核心词汇 smattering
英文解释: noun: a slight or superficial understanding of a subject; a small amount of something
例句: I know only a smattering of German, but Helen is able to read German newspapers and converse with natives.
GMAT核心词汇 smug
英文解释: adjective: marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction
例句: When Phil was dating the model, he had a smug attitude that annoyed his buddies.
GMAT核心词汇 snide
英文解释: adjective: expressive of contempt; derogatory or mocking in an indirect way
例句: The chairman interpreted Taylor's question about promotions as a snide remark, but in all innocence Taylor was trying to figure out the company's process.
GMAT核心词汇 snub
英文解释: verb: refuse to acknowledge; reject outright and bluntly
例句: Wheeler was completely qualified for the committee, but the board snubbed him, choosing an obviously lesser qualified candidate instead.