英文解释: noun: a regular allowance (of money)
例句: He was hoping for a monthly allowance loan from the government, but after no such stipend was forthcoming he realized he would have to seek other means of paying for his college tuition.
GMAT核心词汇 stolid
英文解释: adjective: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited
例句: Elephants may appear stolid to casual observers, but they actually have passionate emotional lives.
GMAT核心词汇 stringent
英文解释: adjective: demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
例句: Most of the students disliked the teacher because of his stringent homework policy, but many students would later thank him for demanding so much from them.
GMAT核心词汇 stultify
英文解释: verb: cause one, through routine, to lose energy and enthusiasm
例句: As an undergraduate Mark felt stultified by classes outside his area of study; only in grad school, in which he could focus solely on literary analysis, did he regain his scholarly edge.
GMAT核心词汇 stymie
英文解释: verb: hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
例句: The engineers found their plans stymied at every turn and were ultimately able to make almost no progress on the project.
GMAT核心词汇 subsume
英文解释: "verb: contain or include
verb: consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle"
例句: "The rogue wave quickly subsumed the pier and boardwalk, destroying everything in its path.
Don Quixote of La Mancha subsumes all other modern novels, demonstrating modern literary devices and predating even the idea of a postmodern, metanarrative."
GMAT核心词汇 subterfuge
英文解释: noun: something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
例句: Finally deciding to abandon all subterfuge, Arthur revealed to Cindy everything about his secret affair over the past two years.
GMAT核心词汇 subversive
英文解释: adjective: in opposition to a civil authority or government
例句: The ruling political party has begun a campaign to shut down subversive websites that it deems as a threat to "national safety."
GMAT核心词汇 sullen
英文解释: adjective: showing a brooding ill humor
例句: Herbert took board games too seriously, often appearing sullen after losing.
GMAT核心词汇 summit
英文解释: "noun: the peak or highest point
noun: a meeting of high-level leaders"
例句: "After hiking for two days, the climbers finally reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Since climate change policy has been mired in congressional fighting, this summit should help set the goals for president's next term."