英文解释: adjective: being essentially equal to something
例句: In many situations, remaining silent is tantamount to admitting guilt, so speak to prove your innocence.
GMAT核心词汇 tarnish
英文解释: verb: make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically
例句: Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of his generation, but his involvement with gambling on baseball games has tarnished his image in the eyes of many.
GMAT核心词汇 tawdry
英文解释: adjective: tastelessly showy; cheap and shoddy
例句: Carol expected to find New York City magical, the way so many movies had portrayed it, but she was surprised how often tawdry displays took the place of genuine elegance.
GMAT核心词汇 taxing
英文解释: adjective: use to the limit; exhaust
例句: The hike to the summit of Mt. Whitney was so taxing that I could barely speak or stand up.
GMAT核心词汇 telling
英文解释: adjective: significant and revealing of another factor
例句: Her unbecoming dress was very telling when it came to her sense of fashion.
GMAT核心词汇 telltale
英文解释: adjective: revealing
例句: The many telltale signs of chronic smoking include yellow teeth, and a persistent, hacking cough.
GMAT核心词汇 temerity
英文解释: noun: fearless daring
例句: No child has the temerity to go in the rundown house at the end of the street and see if it is haunted.
GMAT核心词汇 temperance
英文解释: noun: the trait of avoiding excesses
例句: Welles wasn't known for his temperance--he usually ate enough for two and drank enough for three.
GMAT核心词汇 tempered
英文解释: adjective: moderated in effect
例句: The wide-eyed optimism of her youth was now tempered after she had worked many years in the criminal justice system.
GMAT核心词汇 tempestuous
英文解释: adjective: as if driven by turbulent or conflicting emotions; highly energetic and wildly changing or fluctuating
例句: Chuck and Kathy had always been stable and agreeable people on their own, but when they got involved, it was a tempestuous relationship.