英文解释: adjective: easily handled or managed; willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed
例句: Barnyard animals are considerably more docile than the wild animals.
GMAT核心词汇 dog
英文解释: verb: to pursue relentlessly; to hound
例句: Throughout his life, he was dogged by insecurities that inhibited personal growth.
GMAT核心词汇 dogmatic
英文解释: adjective: highly opinionated, not accepting that your belief may not be correct
例句: Bryan is dogmatic in his belief that the earth is flat, claiming that all pictures of a spherical earth are computer generated.
GMAT核心词汇 doleful
英文解释: adjective: filled with or evoking sadness
例句: No event is more doleful than the passing of my mother; she was a shining star in my life, and it brings me great sadness to think that she is now gone.
GMAT核心词汇 dolorous
英文解释: adjective: showing sorrow
例句: Chopin's ballades are filled with sharp changes in moods--a dolorous melody can give way to a lighthearted tempo.
GMAT核心词汇 doughty
英文解释: adjective: brave; bold; courageous
例句: I enjoy films in which a doughty group comes together to battle a force of evil.
GMAT核心词汇 dovetail
英文解释: verb: fit together tightly, as if by means of a interlocking joint
例句: Although Darwin's evolution and Mendel's genetics were developed in isolation from one another, they dovetail very well.
GMAT核心词汇 dupe
英文解释: "verb: to trick or swindle
noun: a person who is easily tricked or swindled"
例句: "Once again a get-rich-fast Internet scheme had duped Harold into submitting a $5,000 check to a sham operation.
The charlatan mistook the crowd for a bunch of dupes, but the crowd was quickly on to him and decried his bald-faced attempt to bilk them."
GMAT核心词汇 duplicity
英文解释: noun: deceitfulness, pretending to want one thing but interested in something else
例句: A life of espionage is one of duplicity: an agent must pretend to be a totally different person than who she or he actually is.
GMAT核心词汇 duress
英文解释: noun: compulsory force or threat
例句: The witness said he signed the contract under duress and argued that the court should cancel the agreement.