英文解释: adjective: greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
例句: Shelley made one exorbitant purchase after another, buying new clothes and taking vacations even though she earned a limited salary.
GMAT核心词汇 expansive
英文解释: adjective: communicative, and prone to talking in a sociable manner
例句: After a few sips of cognac, the octogenarian shed his irascible demeanor and became expansive, speaking fondly of the “good old days”.
GMAT核心词汇 expound
英文解释: verb: add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth
例句: The CEO refused to expound on the decision to merge our department with another one, and so I quit.
GMAT核心词汇 expound
英文解释: verb: add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth
例句: The CEO refused to expound on the decision to merge our department with another one, and so I quit.
GMAT核心词汇 expunge
英文解释: verb: to eliminate completely
例句: When I turned 18, all of the shoplifting and jaywalking charges were expunged from my criminal record.
GMAT核心词汇 expurgate
英文解释: verb: to remove objectionable material
GMAT核心词汇 extant
英文解释: adjective: still in existence (usually refers to documents).
例句: Despite many bookstores closing, experts predict that some form of book dealing will still be extant generations from now.
GMAT核心词汇 extenuating
英文解释: adjective: making less guilty or more forgivable
例句: The jury was hardly moved by the man’s plea that his loneliness was an extenuating factor in his crime of dognapping a prized pooch.
GMAT核心词汇 extrapolate
英文解释: verb: draw from specific cases for more general cases
例句: By extrapolating from the data on the past three months, we can predict a 5% increase in traffic to our website.
GMAT核心词汇 facetious
英文解释: adjective: cleverly amusing in tone
例句: Facetious behavior will not be tolerated during sex eduation class; it's time for all of you to treat these matters like mature adults.