英文解释: adjective: standing above others in quality or position
例句: Shakespeare is an eminent author in the English language, but I find his writing uninteresting and melodramatic.
GMAT核心词汇 empathetic
英文解释: adjective: showing understanding and ready comprehension of other peoples' states and emotions
例句: Most discrimination and hatred is based on a lack of empathetic awareness of people that have the same aspirations and fears.
GMAT核心词汇 empiricism
英文解释: noun: any method that derives knowledge from experience, used in experimental science as a way to gain insight and knowledge
例句: Empiricism does not always lead to knowledge; an experience or experiment may raise more questions than it answers.
GMAT核心词汇 emulate
英文解释: verb: strive to equal or match, especially by imitating; compete with successfully
例句: To really become fluent in a new language, emulate the speech patterns and intonation of people who speak the language.
GMAT核心词汇 enamor
英文解释: verb: attraction or feeling of love
例句: She is completely enamored with Justin Bieber, and goes to all his concerts on the East coast.
GMAT核心词汇 encumber
英文解释: verb: hold back
例句: The costume encumbered all my movements and caused me to sweat profusely.
GMAT核心词汇 endemic
英文解释: adjective: native; originating where it is found
例句: Irish cuisine makes great use of potatoes, but ironically, the potato is not endemic to Ireland.
GMAT核心词汇 enervate
英文解释: verb: to sap energy from
例句: John preferred to avoid equatorial countries; the intense sun would always leave him enervated after he’d spent the day sightseeing.
GMAT核心词汇 engender
英文解释: verb: give rise to
例句: The restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles were so severe that they engendered deep hatred and resentment in the German people.
GMAT核心词汇 enjoin
英文解释: verb: give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
例句: The government agency enjoined the chemical company to clean up the hazardous dump it had created over the years.