英文解释: noun: the quality of being different
例句: The cynic quipped, “There is not much variance in politicians; they all seem to lie”.
GMAT核心词汇 vaunted
英文解释: adjective: highly or widely praised or boasted about
例句: For years, they had heard of New York City's vaunted skyline, and when they finally saw it, the spectacular cityscape did not disappoint them in the least.
GMAT核心词汇 vehement
英文解释: adjective: marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
例句: While the other employees responded to the bad news in a measured way, Andrew responded in a vehement manner, tipping over his desk and shouting at the top of his lungs.
GMAT核心词汇 venality
英文解释: noun: the condition of being susceptible to bribes or corruption
例句: Even some of the most sacred sporting events are not immune to venality, as many of the officials have received substantial bribes to make biased calls.
GMAT核心词汇 veneer
英文解释: noun: covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance
例句: Mark Twain referred to the Victorian Period in America as the "Gilded Age", implying the ample moral corruption that lay beneath a mere veneer of respectability.
GMAT核心词汇 venerate
英文解释: verb: to respect deeply
例句: The professor, despite his sleep-inducing lectures, was veneratedamongst his colleagues, publishing more papers yearly than all of his peers combined.
GMAT核心词汇 venial
英文解释: adjective: easily excused or forgiven; pardonable
例句: His traffic violations ran the gamut from the venial to the egregious—on one occasion he simply did not come to a complete stop; another time he tried to escape across state lines at speeds in excess of 140 mph.
GMAT核心词汇 veracious
英文解释: adjective: truthful
例句: While we elect our leaders in the hope that every word they speak will be veracious, history has shown that such a hope is naive.
GMAT核心词汇 verisimilitude
英文解释: noun: the appearance of truth
例句: All bad novels are bad for numerous reasons; all good novels are good for their verisimilitude of reality, placing the readers in a world that resembles the one they know.
GMAT核心词汇 veritable
英文解释: adjective: truthfully, without a doubt
例句: Frank is a veritable life-saver -- last year, on two different occasions, he revived people using CPR.