英文解释: adjective: openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
例句: Without checking his references and talking to previous employers, I am leery of hiring the candidate.
GMAT核心词汇 lethargic
英文解释: adjective: lacking energy
例句: Nothing can make a person more lethargic than a big turkey dinner.
GMAT核心词汇 limpid
英文解释: adjective: clarity in terms of expression
例句: Her limpid prose made even the most recondite subjects accessible to all.
GMAT核心词汇 lionize
英文解释: verb: assign great social importance to
例句: Students in the U.S. learn to lionize Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington because they are the founding fathers of the nation.
GMAT核心词汇 litany
英文解释: noun: any long and tedious account of something
例句: Mr. Rogers spoke to a Senate committee and did not give a litany of reasons to keep funding the program, but instead, appealed to the basic human decency of all present.
GMAT核心词汇 loath
英文解释: adjective: unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom (usually followed by 'to')
例句: I was loath to leave the concert before my favorite band finished playing.
GMAT核心词汇 lucid
英文解释: adjective: (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
例句: Though Walters writes about physics and time travel, his writing is always lucid, so readers with little scientific training can understand difficult concepts.
GMAT核心词汇 lugubrious
英文解释: adjective: excessively mournful
例句: At the funeral, lugubrious songs filled the small church.
GMAT核心词汇 macabre
英文解释: adjective: suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome
例句: Edgar Allen Poe was considered the master of the macabre; his stories vividly describe the moment leading up to—and often those moments after—a grisly death.
GMAT核心词汇 machinate
英文解释: verb: engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
例句: The rebels met at night in an abandoned barn to machinate.