英文解释: adjective: given to haughty disregard of others
例句: Percy dismissed the issue with a cavalier wave of his hand.
GMAT核心词汇 cede
英文解释: verb: relinquish possession or control over
例句: Eventually, all parents must cede control of their growing childrens' educations and allow their offspring some autonomy.
GMAT核心词汇 celerity
英文解释: noun: speed, rapidity
例句: We aim to respond to customers' questions with celerity and accuracy, with no longer than a 24 hour wait time.
GMAT核心词汇 censor
英文解释: "verb: to examine and remove objectionable material
noun: an official who censors material"
例句: "Every fall, high school English teachers are inundated by requests to censor their curriculum by removing The Catcher in the Rye and Scarlet Letter from their reading lists.
The censor insisted that every reference to drugs should be removed from the manuscript."
GMAT核心词汇 censor
英文解释: "verb: to examine and remove objectionable material
noun: an official who censors material"
例句: "Every fall, high school English teachers are inundated by requests to censor their curriculum by removing The Catcher in the Rye and Scarlet Letter from their reading lists.
The censor insisted that every reference to drugs should be removed from the manuscript."
GMAT核心词汇 censure
英文解释: verb: to express strong disapproval
例句: After being caught in bed with a mistress, the mayor was quickly censured by the city council.
GMAT核心词汇 cerebral
英文解释: adjective: involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct
例句: A cerebral analysis of most pop music finds it to be simple and childish, but that ignores the point--the music's effect on the listener.
GMAT核心词汇 chagrin
英文解释: "noun: strong feelings of embarrassment
verb: cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of"
例句: "Much to the timid writer's chagrin, the audience chanted his name until he came back on the stage.
She never cared what others said about her appearance but was chagrined by the smallest comment from her mother."
GMAT核心词汇 champion
英文解释: verb: to fight for a cause
例句: Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights fiercely throughout his short life.
GMAT核心词汇 charlatan
英文解释: noun: a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
例句: You may call him a "motivational speaker," but I call him a charlatan--he doesn't have any idea what he's really talking about.