英文解释: adjective: highly complex or intricate
例句: Instead of solving the math problem in three simple steps, Kumar used a convoluted solution requiring fifteen steps.
GMAT核心词汇 copious
英文解释: adjective: in abundant supply
例句: In midsummer, there are copious popiscle stands at the beach; in the winter, there are none.
GMAT核心词汇 cornucopia
英文解释: noun: an abundant supply of something good
例句: The International Food Expo was a cornucopia of culinary delights: gourmet foods from every continent were under one roof.
GMAT核心词汇 corollary
英文解释: noun: a practical consequence that follows naturally
例句: A corollary of Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged the east coast of the U.S., is a push to build higher sea walls to protect against future hurricanes.
GMAT核心词汇 corroborate
英文解释: verb: to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim)
例句: Her claim that frog populations were falling precipitously in Central America was corroborated by locals, who reported that many species of frogs had seemingly vanished overnight.
GMAT核心词汇 cosmopolitan
英文解释: adjective: comprising many cultures; global in reach and outlook
例句: There are few cities in the world as diverse and cosmopolitan as New York.
GMAT核心词汇 cosseted
英文解释: verb: treat with excessive indulgence
例句: The king and queen cosseted the young prince, giving him a prized miniature pony for his fifth birthday.
GMAT核心词汇 coterminous
英文解释: adjective: being of equal extent or scope or duration
例句: The border of the state is coterminous with geographic limits on travel; the east and north are surrounded by a nearly uncrossable river and the south by a desert.
GMAT核心词汇 countermand
英文解释: verb: a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
例句: By the time the colonel countermanded his soldiers not to land in enemy territory, a few helicopters had already touched down amid heavy gunfire.
GMAT核心词汇 cow
英文解释: verb: to intimidate
例句: Do not be cowed by a 3,000-word vocabulary list: turn that list into a deck of flashcards!