元旦刚刚过去,寒假也就不远了。所谓预则立,不预则废,离寒假还有几周时间,除了需要准备紧张的期末考试,我们也需要抽点时间,想想如何安排寒假的时间。最近上课,经常听到有学生问这样一些问题:老师,您看我寒假又得实习,GMAT成绩还没有,现在完全抓瞎,怎么办;老师我现在一边上着GMAT,一边还在准备托福,您能不能帮着出个法子,怎么安排比较科学; 老师我打算九月份走,您看我能不能先申着学校,跟学校说一下,晚点递交成绩。希望各位对自己好一点,不要到了最后,拖不下去,只能听天由命,考个啥成绩就申个啥学校。自己对于考试要有一个整体规划,给自己一个最后期限,一定要在这个时间前把考试解决掉。整个GMAT复习时间一般是在一到三个月,根据自己的情况安排,太短了可能练习量很难达到考试要求,复习战线拉太长也会影响士气,让人疲惫不堪。充分利用寒假时间备考,可以为后面节省不少精力。
SC是整个Verbal部分分量最大的一块,可以说拿下SC,Verbal成功拿下一半了。Sentence Correction翻译成语法真的是不准确,而且容易误导考生,给人感觉这一科目就是考察一些硬邦邦的语法死规则,如果你这么理解的,SC算是很难学出来了。句子改错考察的根本是句子意思,然而句子的意思是由句子结构决定的,语法点只是帮助我们去分析结构,理解句意的。所以复习SC这一科的时候,语法点可能只是占到考察的百分之四十,长难句的结构分析占到百分之四十,另外的百分之二十算是感觉和运气了吧。所以夯实基础,掌握基本的语法知识点,一定是复习的不二法宝。
Unlike the many winter greens that have tough leaves and thus require a lengthy cooking time, those of escarole need little or no cooking.
A. many winter greens that have tough leaves and thus require a lengthy cooking time, those of escarole need
B. many winter greens that have tough leaves and thus require a lengthy cooking time, escarole needs
C. tough leaves of many winter greens and that they require for a lengthy cooking time, escarole needs
D. tough leaves of many winter greens and the requirement that they have a lengthy cooking time, those of escarole need
E. lengthy cooking time required by the many winter greens with tough leaves, escarole needs
这个题目所考察的语法点相信上过一点强化的同学都很快可以抓住,就是unlike后面的名词与主句的主语进行比较,看他们之间知否具有可比性。但是关键是这一题里面有两个词很多同学不太认识,第一个是greens,第二个是escarole,所以很多同学知道考点,还是做错。这就完全是考察你的单词基本功。Greens这个单词是青菜的意思,escarole这个词是莴苣的意思,确实莴苣这个词很不常见,不过通过句子的意思大概可以猜出来是一种菜,因为它说needs little or no cooking。当你知道单词的意思之后,是不是就秒选B了?
Prospecting for gold during the California gold rush was a relatively easy task, because of erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds thrust to the surface by volcanic activity put gold literally within reach for anybody with a pan or shovel.
A. because of erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds thrust to the surface by volcanic activity put gold literally within reach for
B. because of erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and volcanic activity that thrust ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds to the surface, and putting gold literally within reach of
C. owing to erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and volcanic activity that had thrust ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds to the surface, and putting gold literally within reach of
D. since erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and volcanic activity that thrust ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds to the surface, putting gold literally within reach for
E. since erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds thrust to the surface by volcanic activity put gold literally within reach of
这一题上课做的时候也是错误率超高的一道题,方法都知道,拿到题目之后分析句子的结构,但是苦于单词的基本功,结构往往分析不对。这一题的主语是prospecting for gold, 谓语动词是was,表语是 task。后面是一个because of的介词短语,短语里面的结构要注意thrust和put这两个单词,它们的过去式,过去分词都和动词原形一模一样,所以erosion,movement,riverbeds是主语,thrust to the surface是过去分词done结构,修饰riverbeds,put是谓语动词,换句话说,because of后面接的是一个完整的句子,因此是错的,BC选项当中and后面接的是putting,前后不平行。Since表原因,后面必须接完整句子,因此答案选E。