很多考生考试当天状态不佳,未能发挥出最佳水平,这时便可考虑取消GMAT成绩(Cancel your score)。那么,参加GMAT考试之后如果选择CANCEL GMAT成绩,今后申请学校是否会留下这次考试的任何信息呢?
When you complete your exam, you will be shown your unofficial GMAT scores (Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, and Total). You will be given two minutes to decide whether to cancel or accept your score. If the time expires before you make a selection, your score will be automatically canceled. 考试结束时,考生可以看到非官方的GMAT成绩,包括语文,数学,综合推理以及总分四个成绩。两分钟内考生需要决定接受还是取消本次成绩。如果两分钟内考生未作决定,这次成绩将会自动取消。取消后的GMAT考试虽然不会记录成绩,但会有一个标记:C,表示你取消过此次成绩。
You may reinstate your score if you decide to cancel at the test center for a fee of $100. The reinstate option will be available for 60 days from the date of the exam. To reinstate your score, contact customer service in your region. 考生取消GMAT成绩后可以再次恢复成绩,需要支付100美元费用。这一措施仅在考试后六十天之内有效。